LIA Conferences
Archived Content from 2009 -2012


LIA Conferences was dedicated to teacher development, the heart and soul of true professionals.
Content is from the site's 2009 -2012 archived pages offering a glimpse of what these conferences offered its participants / readership.

If you have inadvertently ended up here while searching the events and conferences associated with LIA Lazar Institute which bring together laser professionals from North America, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Rim, please go to:

LIA Conferences is the home of LBPP LIA academic events and training programs dedicated to teachers’ self and professional development in English Language Teaching (ELT). Managed by LBPP LIA Teacher Training & Development (TTD) academic sub directorate in the strive to develop passion for teaching.

As a leading English language institution in Indonesia, with extensive experience in Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL), LIA has initiated, developed and conducted numerous trainings, workshops, seminars and conferences to nurture teacher development, the heart and soul of true professionals.

Marking LIA’s 50th Anniversary in September 2009, LBPP LIA is proud to present and promote its past, ongoing and future academic events/programs through Making those proceedings accessible for ELT practitioners and experts from the country, the region, and around the world to be part of LIA Conferences. Join us, be part of LIA Conferences.

How it all started

LIA (Lembaga Persahabatan Indonesia Amerika) was established in 1959, as a binational organization, to foster friendship between Indonesia and the United States of America. One of the activities was the teaching of English to Indonesians and Bahasa Indonesia to Americans. Over the years, LIA has evolved into a foundation specializing in the teaching of English to Indonesians. From its start of just one center, LIA is today serving around 60,000 students per quarterly, not only in its 60 centers in 18 provinces of Indonesia, but also in a number of private primary and secondary schools, universities, public and private institutions.

A self-sufficient language center

The growth of LIA and its role in English language teaching (ELT) makes it unique in Indonesia. The size of its student population easily identifies LIA as one of the largest non-franchised ELT centers. In the course of time, LIA has brought into focus standardizations of quality through continuous improvements in its academic operations and student administration.LIA is one of the few operators in Indon esia that has its own pre- and in-service training programs, designs its own curriculum and assessments, publishes and prints its own textbooks. Pre- and in-service training programs aim at developing and nurturing LIA teachers’ profile, FIESTA:
Fun & friendly

Technology savvy
Autonomous & independent

Those qualities of the FIESTA teachers support LIA’s principles and features of language teaching and learning:
- Learning English is FUN
- Learning more than just English
- Learning how to learn

A magazine publisher as well

To encourage extensive reading habits in English, LIA publishes two magazines – Cool ‘n Smart (C’nS) for high school and college students, and C’nS Junior for primary school students. These magazines are part of materials used in LIA’s General English Programs:
- English for Adults
- English for Teens
- English for Adults

The English Proficiency Test (EPT™) & Business English Test (BET™)

Aside from the English language programs, LIA has developed EPT™ LIA’s which provides score prediction for the paper-based TOEFL. EPT™ has been used and accepted widely in Indonesia. Public and private institutions have set the EPT™ scores required for placements, promotions, scholarships, and admissions to Master’s degree programs. BET™ is the most recently developed proficiency test for business/workplace English. BET™ scores are LIA’s predictions for TOEIC.

The driving forces behind LIA

LIA owes its existence to the vision of its board of advisors who has steered LIA through all weathers, and a dedicated task force of more than 1,000 academic staff and teachers, 900 support staff who serve over 60,000 students per quarterly. LIA, in short, has come a long way from its inception 50 years ago.


Real life: My room mate, Kartika, actually perfected her English via LIA before coming to the US in 2019 from Sumatra. Many people are aware of Sumatra, the sixth-largest island in the world since one of its cities, Banda Aceh, was in the news when it was devastated by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. She has spent many hours telling me about the unique cultures that exist on the island such as the Minangkabau people who run a matriarchal society. I really want to take a couple of months to visit Sumatra since it offers a completely different side of Indonesia. According to my room mate Sumatra is covered in gorgeous primary rainforest. One must note, however, that in the last 35 years, Sumatra has lost almost 50% of its tropical rainforest. I definitely want to visit Lake Toba, the largest crater lake of its kind in the world. And my room mate who grew up in the capital of Medan which is considered the culinary capital of Indonesia, raves about the local delights. However, all that must wait until the US gets the Covid 19 pandemic under better control. Kartika and I sheltered in place for weeks this past Spring. We are gearing up for the fall school year at Columbia University where we are graduate students. Everything is in flux and neither of us are sure how this school year will play out. Fortunately Kartika remained in NYC this summer. International students and those traveling to campus from certain states or territories must self-quarantine as required by New York State. Nevertheless, Columbia University has established a number of protocols to help protect students, faculty and workers in the Columbia community along with the neighborhood.

Meanwhile, life goes on. During isolation, we turned to online activities to stay sane. Video calls, streaming marathons, and online games became a part of our routine. My mother, who spent most of the spring and summer in New England to stay away from NYC, even found a new hobby—online slots. She became particularly fond of Uptown Aces, & wrote a review of the platform that they actually featured on their website. It’s funny to think of her taking on a new digital pastime, but I love that she found something to engage with during those long, uncertain months. Now that she’s back in her Upper West Side condo, she’s adjusting again to city life, though I suspect she’s still keeping up with her online games. I know she’s anxious about my return to school, but I appreciate her finding small ways to stay connected, even if it’s just through sharing her latest online gaming adventures.


A Commitment to quality learning

With its longstanding experience in language teaching and in its “golden” experience, LIA reaffirms its commitment to be the best and most widespread learning center in Indonesia through its educational services, especially language and other programs supported by state-of-the-art facilities.


Featured Speakers

KC Lee (Speaker at the LIA Seminar on Teaching Writing 2012)

KC Lee)

KC LEE is Senior Lecturer at the Center for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore (NUS). She holds a joint appointment as Vice-Dean of Students, Office of Student Affairs at NUS. KC has taught a range of academic writing courses at the university level, targeting at students of different competency levels – from teaching [...]

David Kaye, (Speaker at the LIA Academic Gathering 2012)

David Kaye)

David is Regional Teacher Development Manager for Pearson Education, based in Vietnam. Starting in 2002, he taught Primary English at local schools in small-towns of Japan. He went on to support schools of all sizes, creating innovative, inspiring lessons for learners of all ages in India, England and Hong Kong, before joining Pearson Hong Kong as an Editor – helping to write and edit successful textbooks and teaching guides for Hong Kong schools. Now, as a trainer, David has worked with thousands of teachers across Asia, giving inspirational workshops that blend theoretical knowledge with fun, practicable activities as well as motivating and inspiring teachers to return to the classrooms reinvigorated.

David is now based in Vietnam, where he is currently a series consultant for the innovative new Vietnamese Secondary Tieng Anh course. In spite of his tight schedule, he still travels the regions, meeting inspirational teachers like you.

Dr. Chan Yue Weng (Speaker at LIA International Conference 2010 and LIA 2nd Research Colloquium 2008)

Dr. Chan Yue Weng (Speaker at LIA International Conference 2010 and LIA 2nd Research Colloquium 2008)

Currently as the Head of the Training, Research, Assessment & Consultancy Department of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education (SEAMEO), Regional Language Centre (RELC) Singapore, Dr Chan Yue Weng is dedicated to the development of language teacher education and promotion of international cooperation among language professionals in the region.

Gloria C. Kismadi (Speaker at LIA International Conference 2010)

Gloria C. Kismadi

Gloria C. Kismadi holds a Master’s degree in Literature but her lifetime concern, by choice, has been language teaching, be it ESL, EFL Teacher Training and Professional Development, and the appropriateness of English language teaching materials. “Literature is my passion,” she says, “language teaching my vocation. So be it.”

Joseph Foley (Speaker at LIA International Conference 2010, Bali)

Joseph Foley

Joseph Foley is Professor and Director of the Doctoral Program in the Graduate School of English at Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand since June 2006. Previously, he was Head of English Language in the Department of English Language and Literature at the National University of Singapore where he taught for more than 25 years. He has published widely, mainly in the area of Systemic Linguistics, Language Development and World Englishes. He was for many years been the editor of the RELC Journal and is now editor of The New English Teacher.

Selestin Zainuddin

Selestin Zainuddin

Selestin Zainuddin is currently a manager of Teacher Training and Development Manager Sub Directorate at Lembaga Bahasa dan Pendidikan Professional LIA (LBPP-LIA) Jakarta. She is very much involved in the conceptualizing and implementation of English for Content Teachers Program (ECT). She has been writing materials and tests for Content Teachers since 2006. She has been teaching and working with young learners, teenagers, adults, student teachers, teachers and teacher trainers for over 15 years now – and still loves it!

Luz Saguin Ismail

Luz Saguin Ismail

Luz Saguin Ismail is currently one of the curriculum consultants of LBPP-LIA headquarters, a pioneer of English language teaching in Indonesia. Her responsibilities include designing syllabus and curriculum, editing and previewing materials for the institute. In the past, she was the manager of the materials and test development department designing materials and assessments tools for various programs.

Willy Renandya (Speaker at LIA International Conference 2010, Bali)

Willy Renandya

Dr. Willy A. Renandya is a language teacher educator with extensive teaching experience in Asia. He currently teaches applied linguistics courses at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where he also co-manages the Teachers’ Language Development Centre.

Duong Thi Hoang Oanh (Speaker at LIA International Conference 2010, Bali)

Duong Thi Hoang Oanh

Oanh (Speaker at LIA International Conference 2010, Bali)
Duong Thi Hoàng Oanh (Speaker at LIA International Conference 2010, Bali) Dương Thị Hoàng Oanh obtained her BA in the English Language at Hue University (1985), Vietnam, MA in TESOL at Canberra University (1994), Australia; PhD in Applied Linguistics at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (2003); and Post Doctorate in Management in Higher Education at Yale University, the USA (2007). Her teaching and researching interests focus on comparative studies, educational reforms, curriculum design, learner communicative competence, learner autonomy and classroom practices. She has received national and international grants for research on educational reforms, higher education management, and assessment.

Patrisius Istiarto Djiwandono (Speaker at 3rd LIA Research Colloquium, 2009, Yogyakarta)

Patrisius Istiarto Djiwandono

Oanh (Speaker at LIA International Conference 2010, Bali)
Patrisius Istiarto Djiwandono was born in Malang, 16 March 1967. He earned his Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate degrees in English Language Education from The State University of Malang,…



2010 Conference Blitz

  • Voice of America (VOA): LIA International Conference 2010

    Listen to VOA coverage on LIA International Conference 2010: 2010 LIA International Conference .mp3

  • How to Unite The World through "World Englishes across Cultures" Wednesday, April 28, 2010 | 05:52 WIB LBPP LIA -

    LIA is celebrating its 50 years of teaching English amidst considerations that are being raised in the current context of English language teaching. LIA started out with Audio-Lingual teaching practices, which, at that time, seemed to be the most common approach. In the process, as new methods and practices came about, LIA has explored and adopted new teaching practices to optimize language learning.

    Today, English has become the language for communication spoken by native and non-native speakers worldwide. The tremendous demands for the use of English in the 21st century have forced language teaching experts and professionals to look into other concerns besides language teaching and learning alone but language teaching and learning in different settings, cultures, and linguistic backgrounds. The profession of English language teaching today has to examine the pros and cons that deal with considerations of World English or World Englishes, English as an International Language, and acceptable standards that should be applied.

    To keep abreast with what language teaching experts are concerned with, LIA International Conference 2010 hopes to provide a platform for language teaching experts and professionals to bring in and share new insights, current considerations and problems that impact on language teaching and learning in all of its aspects: linguistic, social, and cultural. LIA hopes that with this kind of dialog, the conference will bring about a better understanding and greater tolerance and acceptance of the differences in communication among world cultures.


    LIA International Conference 2010 has the following aims:

    - To deepen the understanding of current issues related to English Language teaching and learning in today’s world:
    World English and World Englishes
    Language Standards and Standard Language

    - To provide a forum where ELT practitioners and experts share new insights and experience in ELT amidst the      above streams

    - To explore the impacts of the above on teaching beliefs and classroom practices

    - To look into Indonesia’s position in ELT with regard to the above issues


    The conference will draw together:

    - Experts, teachers, teacher trainers, materials & test writers, curriculum designers, school administrators, student teachers, stake holders and other interested parties in the area of English Language Teaching.

    - Educators and sponsors interested in supporting language education.


    Traditionally, LIA has been able to bring in renowned and reputable personalities as featured speakers. LIA International Conference 2010 will attempt to maintain this proud tradition. Invited speakers representing world cultures – experts, researchers, professionals – taking part in the conference, among others, include:


    Andy Kirkpatrick, Hongkong | Duong Thi Hoang Oanh, Vietnam | Willy Renandya, Singapore | Joseph Foley,Thailand | Alastair Pennycook, Australia | Chan Yue Weng, Singapore | Jeon Jihyeon, South Korea | Gloria Kismadi, Indonesia | Marc Helgesen, Japan



    The conference will be held for two and half consecutive days. Plenary and split plenary sessions will be conducted each day prior to or followed by concurrent sessions.

    Highlights of LIA International Conference include:

    - Culture Class is a concurrent session in the form of cultural sessions from participating countries (represented by participants) taking place outdoors in the gardens of the hotel’s vast landscape.

    - Conference World Festival, a dinner party by the beach, highlighted by unique Balinese Gong musical performance as well as world cultural performance from representatives of participating regions in Indonesia and other countries


    Topic areas focus on the implications of World Englishes in the teaching and learning of English in different countries with various cultural background. The conference committee wishes to raise related issues such as teacher development, curriculum, syllabus and materials development, assessment, learners’ cultural background, language teaching approaches and methodologies.


    1. Demonstrations

    2. Dynamic Circular Discussions

    3. Papers

    4. Workshops

    5. Culture class

  • Uniting the world through multicultural English

    Desy Nurhayati, The Jakarta Post, Denpasar | Fri, 04/30/2010 12:24 PM | National A discussion on the English language highlighted the fact that native speakers of a small portion of the total number of English speakers around the world. The speakers for English who use the language for [...]

  • LIA International Conference (Media Indonesia, Saturday 8 May 2010)

    English has become a worldwide communication tool today. Therefore, an international meeting forum for experts and practitioners of English language teaching from all over the world must be maintained. "This is needed as a medium to share insights, knowledge and experiences in learning English," said Academic Director of the LIA Professional Language and Education Institute (LBPP-LIA) Hafilia Ismanto, in [...]

  • LBPP LIA is certifying its teachers and management staff all over Indonesia with TOEIC international Certification

    LBPP LIA, as the chosen ETS TOEIC 30th anniversary grant from ETS, is distributing the grant to more than its 700 teachers and management staff all over Indonesia. ETS TOEIC, and it was done last October 11 and [...]

  • Advertorial in Jakarta Globe, November 19, 2010

    Check out the LIA International Conference 2010 advertorial in Jakarta Globe newspaper. Click here to view full screen

  • LIA International Conference 2010

    closing event of the lustrum series (Jakarta Globe, Sat. October 20, 2009) Celebrating its 10th Lustrum, LIA Foundation (formerly known as Indonesian-American Friendship Institution) will hold an international conference in Bali on English Language Teaching and Learning on April 28-30, 2010. Based on its experience of teaching English at various levels and groups, [...]

  • Teachers Are Required to Speak English: Focused on the Field of Mathematics and Science

    BANJARMASIN, BPOST - As the leading English language institution in Indonesia, the Institute for Language and Professional Education (LBPP) LIA believes that the quality of learning leads to competition and the skills of teaching staff.

  • One Day Workshop Very Important for Teachers of English Language, Opened by the Head of the Provincial Education Office of North Sulawesi, Speaker of the Academic Director of LBPP LIA Center

    LBPP LIA Makassar in collaboration with HIPKI Sul-Sel will hold a One Day Workshop. As the largest Language Institution in Indonesia that has a commitment to the quality of learning, LBPP LIA believes in the importance of preparing English teachers through teacher development programs aimed at advancing its professionalism.

  • LIA Pontianak Holds Workshop

    PONTIANAK, West Kalimantan, known as Kota Khatulistiwa, is the location of the second title of an English language workshop for mathematics and science teachers. There were 100 participants taking part in the one-day activity entitled Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). The enthusiasm was shown by teachers from kindergarten through high school throughout Pontianak. "If I want to teach, I often get nervous because I have to use English," [...]


Upcoming Events 2011

2011 Asia Creative Writing Conference: “Creating Interactive Language Classrooms through Creativity, Exploration, and Self Identity in the Asian Context”

Category: Around the World on March 15th, 2011

  Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jember, Indonesia 31 March – 1 April 2011 (Thursday – Friday) Conference Flyer can be downloaded here.   INTENDED NUMBER OF CONFERENCE PRESENTERS & PARTICIPANTS: 11 Invited Speakers and Presenters from Core Teacher-Writers Group from UK and Asia 70 Presenters: Local and International Teachers and Faculty Members 200 Participants

Organized by the Department of English, Politeknik Negeri Jember based in East Java-Indonesia, the 2011 Asia Creative Writing Conference, which is to be held by March 31-April 1, 2011, is trying to address how creative writing can be incorporated in English language teaching so that forms of creative writing like poems, short stories, plays, or other forms of creative writing can be interactive learning tasks, which enable language learners to express themselves, their culture, society, and their world around them. The theme of the conference is Creating Interactive Language Classrooms through Creativity, Exploration, & Self Identity in the Asian Context. Thus, this conference will be a venue where teacher educators and practicing teachers can mutually share and voice their ideas, expertise, and experience in creative writing in different perspectives.

Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jember, Indonesia
31 March – 1 April 2011 (Thursday – Friday)


11 Invited Speakers and Presenters from Core Teacher-Writers Group from UK and Asia

70 Presenters: Local and International Teachers and Faculty Members

200 Participants: Local and National English Teachers, Practitioners, and Faculty Members


Upcoming Events 2012

  • TOEIC Bridging Course 2012

    LBPP LIA Pramuka Auditorium, Wednesday, December 19, 2012. Program Run-down (subject to change) 08:00 – 08:30  —  Registration 08:30 – 10:15  —  Introduction to  TOEIC Plus 10:15 – 10:30  —  Coffee Break 10:30 – 12:00  —  Teaching TOEIC Plus I + Workshop I 12:00 – 13:00  —  Lunch Break 13:00 – 14:30  —  Teaching TOEIC

    Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworkerto Visit to LBPP LIA

    Jakarta, April 4 2012

    LBPP LIA had the honor of hosting a visit which was a part of the Field trip of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP). There were 166 students of the English Department taking part on this field trip to LBPP LIA Pramuka.

    The purpose of this visit is to equip students with the brand new horizons and insights of handling classes with a variety of interactive and interesting techniques. On this occasion, LBPP LIA had the opportunity to share these techniques in a workshop presented by Ms. Selestin Zainuddin.

    After the workshop, they were given the opportunity practice the techniques in the form of peer teaching. They were divided into groups distributed in several classrooms and each group was guided by the TTD staff and trainers.

  • The 2nd LIA Semarang Candi International English Workshop 2013

    Dear Teachers, LIA Semarang Candi is organizing an International English Workshop. Do you want to share some ideas, or do you want to get some inspiration? Just join this. For more information, please click the image:  

  • LIA Academic Gathering and Research Colloquium 2012

  • Academic Gathering – Teaching Writing Seminar 2012

    The Registration is closed. Thank you for your participation. See you on the next LIA Seminar. Click here for Seminar Rundown


    TTD, in collaboration with HRD, is holding LIA Teaching Video Contest-TV CON 2012. We would like to encourage the participation of the teachers in your branches. Below please find the details of the event: Aims The aims of TV CON 2012 are as follow: 1. to provide LIA teachers with a medium for self-actualization in [...]



Workshop “From Lesson Plan to Classroom Action” by LBPP-LIA Purwokerto

“Success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.”

Thomas Alva Edison surely talked about teachers!

The same big idea was discussed during the seminar by LBPP-LIA Purwokerto entitled “From Lesson Plan to Classroom Action” on Saturday, November 17, 2012.  The half-day event was attended by around 40 teachers of junior high, senior high and vocational schools.

 The seminar was endorsed by DIKNAS Purwokerto and was opened by Ir. Wahyu Budi Saptono, M.Si. as the KEPALA DIKNAS Kabupaten Banyumas with a very inspiring speech. He reminded that teachers should be like the moon. It is not the source of light. It only absorbs it; however, it reflects the brightness to everyone. Teachers should keep on learning to “shine on” their students to be brighter in the class.

The speech was followed up by the speaker of the event. Ali Aljufri is a teacher trainer for LBPP-LIA Jakarta with experience in formal schools and English course ranging from Professional Development, Teaching Methodologies and the teaching of Language Skills.

The presentation lasted for approximately two and a half hours. It started by talking about teachers’ awareness in their own professionalism. The statement “What happens in the class starts before the teacher enters the class.”summed up the idea. It went on with some video showings depicting a teaching session for the participants to analyze and comment. The next part would be about three stages in teaching in formal schools: Explore, Elaborate, Confirm which were the basics for trying out some applicable classroom activities for the teachers. The session ended with the participants doing a workshop on the teaching steps. They were required to classify the activities into some stages, revise some activities and add some more.

The committee was very generous with door prizes for the participants. There were some categories set by the committee such as the one coming the earliest, whose school was the farthest, who brings lesson plans during the event, and of course, the one that was the most active during the session.

Positive response came from the participants based on the feedback they submitted. Most of them expect that such event will be held annually. The very-organized committee seemed to agree.



2009 | About TTD (Teacher Training and Development)

TTD is a Sub Directorate under the Academic Directorate of Lembaga Bahasa dan Pendidikan Profesional LIA (LBPP-LIA). Its main responsibility is to foster professional development for the institution’s academic task force, the backbone of educational establishments. Consequently, TTD is in charge of and accountable for various pre-service and in-service training programs for LIA teachers and academic staff.

At the beginning, TTD was mostly responsible for the Recruitment and Selection (R/S) of LIA’s candidate teachers and the pre-service training (LIA TEFL – LIA Teaching of English as a Foreign Language) for LIA’s teacher trainees. In the course of time, it has broadened its scope of work by designing and conducting in-service trainings to meet the development and trends of English Language Teaching and the increasing variety of programs offered by the institution. Other in-service and customized trainings were also designed and carried out for LIA’s various academic positions (materials & test writers, academic supervisors and curriculum designers). Aside from that, TTD also assists and collaborates with other academic sub-directorates in conducting teaching quality assurance and teacher mentoring, in developing needs assessment, curriculum design, materials & tests for LIA’s language programs.

With over 1000 teachers and academic staff spread out in LIA’s more than 50 outlets across Indonesia, serving over 60.000 students, teacher development programs designed and conducted by TTD plays a significant role in setting the course of English language teaching and learning in the country. This perception has lead to the conception of TTD’s vision and mission:

  • To be an English Language Teaching (ELT) training center in Indonesia by offering quality teacher training and development programs.

To achieve its vision and mission, TTD organizes events, develop programs and conducts trainings involving LIA experts as well as those from other institutions in the country and abroad, all aimed at developing passion for teaching.





by: Idwar Ruslan

Tuesday, November 9, 2010, I got an e-mail invitation to participate in a roundtable chatting with the theme “Situational Awareness (SA)”. The sender elaborated a little bit about the theme with a short abstract.

I was really curious what the chatting would be like; how it was operated and conducted, whether it worked out well or not. My curiosity on all this mechanism was much higher than  on  the theme of the web chat itself. Before participating, I just tried to figure out the setting and layout of the monitor screen in front of me; was it going to be very complicated? How will the moderator lead the chat and discussion with  participants from different parts of the world?

Five minutes before it started, I opened the respective website, filled out two boxes and entered as a guest. I was suggested to open another website because the operation was moved to Hong Kong. After I opened the new website, I saw the statements: “the connection in Hong Kong is good, it is good in Bangkok?” I typed something “Is it better in Jakarta now?”  Woow, Damon Anderson (the host), which  I didn’t expect, welcomed me and played around a little bit by calling me “id war rusian?”

03:00 PM, the discussion started. Damon changed the layout of the screen. Now, he put the abstract on the left and  participants’ ideas on the bottom right of the screen and other participants can write questions or comments.

It was a free discussion. Participants could write questions, comments, argumentations, elaborations, responses, etc. and had to scroll up when there are no more space to write. I just gave a short comment based on my experience teaching students. The students didn’t feel that they learned something if the teacher didn’t point out clearly the “plus one” (language points which were being taught, which they have not acquired according to Krashen’s language acquisition theory). I said, it could be something related to culture. A participant from China absolutely agreed to that statement.

At the end, I had one thing in mind: “What a small world!”


IA Conferences is dedicated to teacher development, the heart and soul of true professionals. This website was managed by Teacher Training and Development (TTD) Lembaga Bahasa dan Pendidikan Profesional (LBPP) LIA.